Operation Greatness ”Year of Greatness” Podcast/”Our Greatest Gift” Radio Shows
The world needs you, now, Stepping Up & Becoming GREAT! No more playing small, holding back in fear, limiting yourself or dimming your light - Because you’re meant for so much more & have so much more love within you to share, to contribute, to Be of Greater Service to so many more good people, who need you now!!! Join us every day for this most-empowering, most-inspiring ADVENTURE where you’re stepping into your GREATNESS & honoring and fulfilling your Divine Design...
You Matter SO MUCH More Than You Can Even Imagine: Join Us for Your "Year of Greatness"
Our OG "Podcast" is unlike anything you've ever joined before. Because each "show" is really that day's Operation Greatness Chapter Meeting!
Join my OG Chapter here & seriously consider leading YOUR CHAPTER!
Hi, I'm Dan Klatt, a Consciousness Keeper (you are, too!) We're responsible for using our power to uplift, inspire & empower people - Specifically, I'm here to help you "Lead, Inspire, Transform & Liberate" everyone you can, doing a LITL more today in Being of Greater Service.
Because, after all, that's your source of happiness, fulfillment, meaning, success, wealth. The more you're contributing to others, the more "Life" supports you in contributing that much more!
This is your "Year of Greatness" - Join us for it right here!!!
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
Thank you. You know you really are that GIFT! Of such profound value, you have no idea how much you truly matter!
For example the woman in the story I'm sharing, that was about a year before the movie "Pay It Forward" came out, and yet her simple Gift of Love could have had far greater impact that that similar movie... (By YOU taking this to heart right here!)
I want you to really think about how every "chance" encounter you're having is your opportunity to uplift, inspire, transform... acknowledge, appreciate... LOVE people!!!
How is this speaking to you and how are you taking this to heart?
Let us know in the America Mastermind that you're part of if you're leading your own OG Chapter.
Also, make sure you're doing the OG Watch Party I mentioned at OperationGreatness.com/leader. Thank you!
3 days ago
3 days ago
If you want to make sure you're getting each segment of "Our Greatest Gift", give me your email at OperationGreatness.com/leader and I'll send it your way!
How much are you already that beaming person, always happy, brightening the room and always having that magnanimous smile, giving love to everyone who might need it?
You recognize how much that is Key to Happiness, right?
Try it on for size! :)
Dan Klatt,OperationGreatness.com founder
4 days ago
4 days ago
This is well worth making the time to watch - as a family! Which of the 5 *ACTIONS* I'm saying are VITAL for you to do with your children are inspiring and exciting your children to do first?
How are they responding to you as a family leading your own Operation Greatness Chapter at OperationGreatness.com/leader?
What was the theme of your conversation about how that's by far the greatest education you're providing your children, because they're seeing immediately what's working, reaping the rewards from their ACTIONS, in real time, where they're also learning how to create whatever they want?
They're also improving focus, perseverance, belief in themselves... their confidence is SKYROCKETING... and they're becoming the great LEADERS they're *destined* to be - and so are YOU, as their mentor, role model and EXAMPLE!!!
Is this honestly by far the best thing you've done together as a family? How much closer are you all as a result of making this your greatest contribution to the community?
How much loneliness and despair have you -ELIMINATED- working so closely together!?
7 days ago
7 days ago
You've known for a long time "there's so much more for me", right? You've been holding back on giving your ALL to what you're doing, because of fear. That's only hurt you & the people you're serving...
NOW you're going "ALL IN"... giving it everything you've got... not holding back, playing small or settling for something less than you truly want...
Because you're accepting how important your role is - you're honoring your Divine Design & Being of Greater Service to everyone you're here to help better themselves, just as you're now doing right here...
We're all doing this together, serving & supporting each other, as much as we can, through OperationGreatness.com/leader.
It's true, nothing matters more than every one of us giving this our ALL, now. Thank you!!!
Saturday Dec 28, 2024
Saturday Dec 28, 2024
What would that mean to you to manifest your deepest desire?
What is it that you want more than anything? Bring that to mind now. Sure, you can see it as complete, take ownership of it. Come from the end, etc.
Here's your exact way of manifesting that. We're getting the full "Treatment" here, in the context of my choosing my objective, around the inspiration of a $2 lottery ticket and the jackpot of $1.22 billion!
Hint, it's about getting out of your own way, and being God's Instrument for *MIRACLES* you're meant to be!
Seriously, take the time and DO this training, which is actually the equivalent of your own $6,000 private coaching consultation with me... treat it that way, fully expecting that 10 to 100 to 1,000 fold ROI on that amount...
You will be well served by taking this full process to heart, because it's how you're having by far your greatest impact and being of far greater service than you've ever imagined you even could have - Because THIS is how much you truly matter!!!
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Saturday Dec 21, 2024
Today's podcast, "Chapter 3", relates to our "Opening Fully to God" lesson for everyone leading their own Operation Greatness Chapters as part of my OG Chapter here.
Please take this message to heart. Your work is opening fully to Receiving God, which is necessary before you can "Extend God", loving others, Being of Greater Service to More People!
Your work is "Receiving God". Your purpose is "Extending God". At the level of 100%, which I 'suggest' is your Destiny, and DUTY!!
Here, we're seeing how open you WERE, before now. And then we're substantially opening that!
Specifically, you HAD limited how much light you're shining, how much you believe in yourself, how much success you're allowing, how much impact you're having.
That WAS all based on some story you told yourself, how about how deserving (or UNDESERVING) you felt you were.
We're SHIFTING that right here, and it's pretty *PHENOMENAL*!!!
Do take the time to complete this. It's LIBERATIONAL!!
Thank you.
With love,Dan
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
My friend, you're "Prime Cause". Your primary responsibility is to use your power consciously, each moment. Because your power is SACRED, because YOU are Sacred!
Today's OG Podcast, also our OG Chapter Meeting for Lesson 2 through OperationGreatness.com/leader, reveals how CRITIAL it is that you're Keeping your Consciousness high, mastering how you're using your power & creating everything you want... and being that "Rising Tide raising all boats"!
The affirmation we're walking through here I believe will be a MAJOR turning point for your whole life, because you'll be recognizing how important your FOCUS is, because, after all, you are "God's Gift to the World"!!!
You'll want to pause and reflect on several deep insights here, and share your contemplations as separate posts on your social media. This OG Podcast you'll want to watch at least a few times...
Thank you for taking it to heart!!
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Saturday Dec 14, 2024
Make sure you're staying connected by joining my Operation Greatness Chapter at https://OperationGreatness.com/leader. Also comment on this OG Podcast, subscribe, of course, and share it far and wide... actually LEADING every one of your online friends through joining my OG Chapter... as well as YOUR OG Chapter.
(I'm walking you through reaching them and giving you the posts to make, as this is your greatest contribution and the best thing you've done to better yourself - Thank you!)
So our Operation Greatness "Podcast" is really today's OG Chapter Meeting. We're going through today's "Inspiration Transformation" and bringing out some of the key nuggets of GOLD for every one of us to consider.
For example, how did you respond when I asked you to recognize how much more you have within you ... to GIVE, to serve, to experience?
How much is your Burning Desire leading you every moment toward its completion, which is always "Being of Greater Service to More People"?
How much are you going "ALL-IN" on your "Year of Greatness" with us... through our OG Podcast as well as leading your own Operation Greatness Chapter, in your community as well as among your online friends?
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Make sure you're staying connected by joining my Operation Greatness Chapter at https://OperationGreatness.com/leader. Also comment on this OG Podcast, subscribe, of course, and share it far and wide... actually LEADING every one of your online friends through joining my OG Chapter... as well as YOUR OG Chapter.
(I'm walking you through reaching them and giving you the posts to make, as this is your greatest contribution and the best thing you've done to better yourself - Thank you!)
So our Operation Greatness "Podcast" is really today's OG Chapter Meeting. We're going through today's "Inspiration Transformation" and bringing out some of the key nuggets of GOLD for every one of us to consider.
For example, how did you respond when I asked you to recognize how much more you have within you ... to GIVE, to serve, to experience?
How much is your Burning Desire leading you every moment toward its completion, which is always "Being of Greater Service to More People"?
How much are you going "ALL-IN" on your "Year of Greatness" with us... through our OG Podcast as well as leading your own Operation Greatness Chapter, in your community as well as among your online friends?
We're doing that together through OperationGreatness.com/leader, which is where you're also staying connected with our OG Podcast.
When you're leading your own Chapter, then share your insights, examples, ah-ha's & breakthroughs with us, from this show as well as from our Think & Grow Rich Workshop Class #1 that is our work today!
Also post about this and in your post, link back to this OG Podcast.
And share all your posts & your detailed answers to the questions I'm giving you to contemplate, in the essay you're sending me to dan@danklatt.com. Thanks!